Halfway To 26

Yesterday at 3:03 P.M. I turned 25 ½. Time really does fly by, even when quarantined. Six months ago I wrote, “Something must be in the water in 2020 because this year I have found myself more vocal, more determined, more confident in myself and what I am capable of.” That sentiment still rings true, yet I’m finding myself using my voice in ways I didn’t expect.
As I hunkered down at my mom’s house at the beginning of quarantine, I found it was hard to blog. The world was changing around me at a rapid pace and, like everyone else, I was struggling to grasp this new reality. Some days I still am. I realized that to continue this blog, it had to be about more than fashion. I shined a spotlight on those who inspire me on a daily basis. I had conversations with family and friends, asking them to share their points of view on what it’s like living with and being a little person in an average-sized world. I allowed myself to be vulnerable, talking about my battles with weight, body image, grief and just...being me, and how I overcame them (or at least am trying to).
I’ll admit I struggled with writing this post. There remains a lot to be determined over the next six months as I move farther and farther away from 25 and closer to 26. I find myself at a crossroads between the girl I thought I was and the woman I want to be. A lot can change in six months. I never saw myself having the confidence to wear a crop top, exposing my stomach, let alone sharing it on social media. Six months ago I would never have spoken out on certain issues that mattered to me, choosing to only write about what was familiar and safe. Normally I would have waited for an invitation that most likely wouldn’t come. Not anymore. Now, I am taking chances, making new introductions and letting myself be seen and heard.
I want to take this time to thank you, my readers, for reading every post and for your positive feedback. It means so much to me. I also want to thank my cousin Ashley for pushing me and inspiring me to write when I was at a loss for words. And the biggest thanks to my mom and brother for always being there to correct my grammar and provide constant love and support.
I’m equal parts anxious and excited to see what changes will come as my 25th year draws to a close and I promise to keep you updated every step of the way.