Short And Sweet

I don’t doodle. I can barely draw a stick figure so this really should come as no surprise. So, when I’m bored and need to do something, I practice my hand-lettering. I love to find quotes that are impactful and make them look pretty on a page. I’m certainly no calligrapher, but I do take great care with every letter. Yesterday, on my hunt for a good quote, I found this one from author J.T. Ellison that really resonates with me-
“Tell her not to do something, tell her she couldn’t do something, & she’d do it just to spite you.”
Now, I’m not a spiteful person, but if you doubt me, I will do everything in my power to prove you wrong. Growing up as a little person, time and time again I was told “you can’t” or “you shouldn’t” with no explanation offered except my short stature. To that I say, “Height is just a number, not a limit.”
Yesterday, at 3:03 PM to be precise, I turned 25. Everyone keeps asking me how it feels to reach this milestone and I’m not sure how to answer. Yes, I look back at all of my accomplishments over the past quarter-century (OMG) and am quite proud. But there is still so much I haven’t done, so much more I want to do.
Most of my life has been spent backstage or on the sidelines. From middle school all the way through my senior year of college I worked for my school’s sports team as a manger/trainer/intern. At my current job I get to go literally backstage and behind the scenes. But when it comes to fashion, sitting on the sidelines isn’t enough for me, not anymore. Like one of my inspirations Sinéad Burke, I, I am going to be a force of change. Something must be in the water in 2020 because this year I have found myself more vocal, more determined, more confident in myself and what I am capable of.
I’ve already put things in motion and this blog is just the beginning...I hope. What comes next? I suppose we’ll have to wait and see what this year brings. I’m ready.