I Will Not Be Silent

I would describe myself as a constant learner, I am always trying to educate myself about things I do not know. As a little person I have faced discrimination, but what is happening across the country does not even compare. My heart goes out to George Floyd’s family and those who have been victims of racism. Enough is enough.
I’m the daughter of two former attorneys. When preparing for a case, my father would tell me that it was never about winning. Day after day he would work tirelessly, devoting every ounce of strength he had, using all the legal knowledge in his arsenal, in pursuit of justice. It was always, always about justice being served. What is happening in this country is unjust. Too many African Americans are wrongfully dying at the hands of police brutality, peaceful protests are turning violent. Enough is enough.
I believe that true, everlasting change will come, I have to. Until then, I promise to never stop learning, to do what I can to make a positive difference in the world, and to follow my father’s example and be an advocate for justice. Enough is enough.
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Justice for George Floyd on change.org
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